Starting Anew - Prairie Phoenix

I have started Kung Fu back in 2006. It seems so long ago... We used to have a sparring class where students had to pick a nickname. I chose Phoenix of the East. It seemed right to choose this nickname as I came to Canada from the middle-east and started new life in a different country. 

When I joined the IHC group, I started blogging under the blog title of "Stars in Alberta". My family name translate to a star in Hungarian and I live in Alberta. But why stars plural? This symbolized my family and my commitment to them. It was not just my journey in Kung Fu. It was my family's journey.

Now with my youngest getting their black belt (officially on Feb 1 this year), all my immediate family (wife and 4 kids) are black belts in Kung Fu. When you become a black belt, you are continuing with your journey but you also start to define where you want to take it. 

This is why I have decided to switch my blog name from Csillag Stars to Alberta Prairie Phoenix, and my nickname (did anyone even knew I had that?) from Phoenix of the East to Prairie Phoenix.

Continuing with my journey but also starting anew. 


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